
 2021-04-27 10:04

摘 要



Pyridine kettle residue with natural polymers as raw material preparation of oilfield sewage demulsifier and related process


With the application of new technology of oil recovery, oil recovery rate is increased, but the emulsification phenomenon aggravating, demulsification desalting water salinity increase the difficulty increases, it is necessary to develop new type of high efficient demulsifier. Brief history of crude oil demulsifiers were reviewed and the performance of the demulsifier for crude oil, introduces several kinds of preparation by pyridine oilfield sewage the chemical structure of demulsifier and demulsification performance, discussed several problems in the field application of demulsifier. Demulsifier is in the process of oil production, transmission, refining is very important and essential oil additives. Improper selection of demulsifier can make the demulsification and dehydration of crude oil cannot effectively, waste a lot of manpower and material resources, financial resources, it not only bring a series of difficulties for oil extraction, back to the oil and gas gathering, processing and refining, etc has caused adverse effect. At present, most of our oil by electric thermal chemical demulsification dehydration technology, including chemical demulsification is particularly important is its core research and development, the screening of the demulsifiers lower prices and higher quality. New crude oil demulsification research has become an imminent problem, this makes the laboratory design research to develop new crude oil demulsifier for specific fields become a very important thing.

Key words:pyridine;oilfield sewage;natural polymer;demulsifier

目 录

1 前言

1.1 研究背景

1.2 原油乳化液的形成及其稳定性

1.2.1 原油乳化液的形成

1.2.2 原油乳化液的稳定性

1.3 原油乳化液的破乳


1.3.2 破乳剂分子结构与性能

1.3.3 破乳剂种类

1.3.4 破乳剂的发展现状

1.4 本课题的研究目的及意义


1 前言

1.1 研究背景

在石油开采和集输用化学剂中,破乳剂的用量最大。全世界每天大约生产860万吨原油,至少采出同等数量的水[1]。 破乳剂用量如按100ppm计算,则全世界破乳剂的年消耗量约63万吨。巨额用量引起了油田化学工作者的极大兴趣,从事破乳剂研究的人员逐渐增多。随着竞争的日益加剧,对破乳剂质量的要求不断提高,价格则要求尽可能低,在环境保护方面要求也越来越严。一些常规破乳剂已不能满足原油生产的多种需要。进入80年代后,破乳剂的研究有了长足进步,新型高效破乳剂不断被开发出来。破乳剂的研究和应用可追朔到本世纪20年代当时所用的破乳剂都是阴离子型的,如脂肪酸盐、环烷酸盐等。1940年环氧乙烯的生产工业化, 破乳剂的研究和应用发生了一次飞跃,出现了环氧乙烷和环氧丙烷嵌段共聚物,非离子型破乳剂正式投入工业应用,原油脱水效率明显提高,用量大幅度减少。进入80年代后,聚酯胺类、聚合物型、两性离子型等破乳剂相继开发出来,破乳剂的最低用量降到1-20ppm。

1.2 原油乳化液的形成及其稳定性

1.2.1 原油乳化液的形成

乳化液是一种多分散体系,是某种液体分散到另一种与之互不相溶的液体中形成的,一般乳化液液滴的直径在O.lμm以上。通常以液滴形式存在的为分散相(即不连续相),另一相为分散介质(即连续相)[2]。原油乳化液类型一般有三种:①油包水型(W/O );②水包油型(O/W );③多重乳化液(W/O/W/O ),也称为多级乳化液。

1.2.2 原油乳化液的稳定性

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